Tuesday 31 July 2012

Awesome Running App

Both business and personal problems have kept me from sharing my fitness journey over the last week but I'm hoping things are back on track enough that I can once again offer encouragement and motivation as well as helpful tips and exercise programs to those who are interested.

Since I enjoy running outside so much when I'm with my sister, I decided to give it a try on my own this week.  So, donning my incredible running shoes, a new running shirt and my mp3 player, I set out yesterday morning at 5:15am to once again do Week 3 of my Couch to 5K program.  The weather was beautiful, the streets were empty and I had the most enjoyable run ever!  So, this morning I was brave enough to tackle Week 4.

Here it is:

Walk 5 minutes (to warm up)
Jog 3 minutes 
Walk 90 seconds
Jog 5 minutes 
Walk 2 1/2 minutes
Jog 3 minutes
Walk 90 seconds
Jog 5 minutes
Walk 2 1/2 minutes

And I did it!  And I even loved it!!! 

For anyone looking for a great Running App for their phone, I'm using Runtastic.  It's FREE (as long as you're not using the Pro version, which I'm not) and it keeps track of everything for you.  You simply hit the start button when you leave and the stop button when you get back.  It tracked my route, my distance, my average speed, my fastest speed, my distance, and it even has a spot for me to record how I was feeling after the run.  It has a calorie counter included in it which I'm assuming is pretty accurate seeing as how it knows how fast I'm going.  It logs all of your runs into its history so you can see how you're improving (what great motivation!).  It has options for other types of activities as well, but I didn't look into that very much, I just select running and go for it!  

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