Thursday 31 May 2012

When Plans Fall Apart

Wow, how quickly things can change.  
Through careful planning and preparation, I made a schedule of when I would fit in my workouts this week.  We all know that if you wait to see what free time you have, you'll soon discover you have none.  So I did my part.  The world, however, had other ideas.
I had intended to fit in a workout last night after teaching 3 hours of karate classes, but when I came downstairs from the dojo I discovered the sink in the men's changeroom was plugged.  I quickly changed out of my workout clothes and drove to the store to get some Drano.  So much for that.
I had full intentions of getting on my bike again this morning...but those intentions faded as I spent most of the night awake listening and worrying to my husband deal with what we believe might have been a case of food poisoning.  
Well, that's wasn't quite enough to keep me down, so I stumbled out of my bedroom at 6am and pushed myself through a series of mostly ab exercises.  I was huffing and puffing by the end of it and found myself wondering how many days it would be until I started to notice a difference.  That's what makes the beginning so hard.  It's so difficult to keep doing it every day when you can't see any difference at all.  But I'll stick with it and I'll let you know how long it takes me to see some changes, so then you'll know! lol

Here's one of the ab exercises that I'm doing that I love...I also noticed Sempai Cathy used it in the warm-up for the adult class last's such a good one! It's called Superman Roll into Pike Crunch.

Lie facedown on the ground with your arms and legs extended, then lift your arms, chest and legs off the ground.  Without using your arms or legs (use your core!!!), roll onto your back.  Immediately raise your arms and legs into a pike crunch so they meet above the center of your stomach.  Lower your arms and legs, then roll back to start.  And then repeat for 15 times! 

So, with Mark sick, I was thinking I might get an edge up in this "friendly" competition between us.  
But, no.
As he held his stomach this morning, he managed a wry grin and reminded me that throwing up is the ultimate ab exercise.  Go figure.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Day One

So it's Day One, and like most Day One's, I've gotten off to a pretty good start.
I went for a twenty minute bike ride this morning which left my poor legs feeling so much like jello that I could barely get back up the steps into my house and then I proceeded to do a few ab exercises.  Wasn't as much as I would have liked to do, but I didn't quite judge my time right and I hadn't counted on the five minutes it would take to dig my bike out of the garage.  
However, at 5:30am the streets are extremely quiet and the weather was perfect - cool, but not cold.  I'm actually looking forward to going out again tomorrow morning and I'm hoping to get a little further in the same amount of time.

I feel that I should probably share another important piece of motivation that I have for getting my body into better shape.  While discussing my fitness plans with my husband last week, he (very foolishly, I think) said, 
"I bet I can get a six-pack before you."  Oh...interesting...a challenge.  
Since we are both very competitive people, this works out quite well for me.  I know there will be days when I won't feel like working out but there will never be a day when I think it's okay to lose. :D