Saturday 18 August 2012

When in Doubt...Run!

The Fitness Warrior is still at it....despite the lack of blogs these days.  As problems grew greater in number and solutions seemed impossible, I have to admit that it was just too hard to write about staying motivated and inspired.  As problems mounted in every aspect of my life and not one part of my future seemed certain anymore, it would have been easy to stay in bed, bury my head and hope that the past couple of months were nothing but a dream.
But I chose instead to run.
And the more I ran, the more I enjoyed it.
(I know all of you running fanatics are nodding your heads because you might have started out just like me, hating running, and you all probably knew I'd be here one day, but it is still a huge shock to me).
Week 5 of my Couch to 5K program upped my running to 8 min runs with a 5 min walk in between.  But I was still only making it to 4K every morning and I was desperate to know that I would be able to get through 5K without dying.  So I made an executive decision to change the run to this:

Walk 5 min to warm up
Jog 8 min
Walk 5 min
Jog 8 min
Walk 5 min
Jog 8 min
Walk home from wherever I end up (hopefully close to home!)

I was sure that this would put me past the 5K mark and then I'd know I could handle the upcoming races.
But the train that made its way through Perth at 5:25am on Monday morning of last week had different ideas.  Stuck at 7 min, waiting for the stupid train to pass, with no side streets to turn onto, I texted my sister.

>Changing the plan: doing 7 min jogs with 3 min walks now<

The train passed, I picked up into a jog again and the rest of the run went incredibly well.    It took me 37 minutes and I went 5.06 km! And I survived! Yay!
And the next time it only took me 33 min to go 5.11 km!  
I was thrilled to know that I would survive running 5K and that it wouldn't take me all day to do it.  And the happiness I felt from achieving this goal made me feel pretty good.

Life might feel like it spins out of our control sometimes, but I know there's always something I can control.  Like setting my alarm for 5am, getting into my workout clothes and putting one foot in front of the other for 30 min as I jog through the quiet streets of Perth.  And some days that's enough.