Wednesday 27 February 2013

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Zumba is definitely the most fun workout I've ever done.  I mean, really, who doesn't like to dance? 

Besides sweating like crazy, the continuous hip circles and hip movement in steps such as the merengue and salsa are incredible at working the core.  But the muscle I find that gets the most workout in each class is my calf muscle.  We spend a lot of time on the ball of the foot, pivoting and stepping quickly and this muscle gets pretty tight after a good hour of dancing.  

This morning I woke up and my calves were extremely tight!  Ouch! I definitely should have stretched after class.  But after practicing a few songs this morning, I gave them a good stretch and they felt so much better.  Is anyone else feeling tight muscles too?  If so, please let me know! I'm thinking of incorporating a slower cool down song into the class where we can get some good stretches in before we head out of the gym after class.

I used these stretches to help relieve the tightness in my calves and wanted to share them with you.  I found them very effective.  If anyone needs pictures, just let me know.  :)  
All you need is a set of stairs (preferably with a railing so you don't have to focus on your balance as well as trying to feel the stretch!)

Place your right foot on the lowest step, and your left foot on the next step up.  Move your right heel so that it’s hanging off the step, and drop it until you feel a deep stretch in the “belly” of your large (the one that’s visible) calf muscle.  Hold for at least 30 seconds, breathing smoothly, and concentrating on feeling the muscle relax and elongate.  Repeat on the left side.

This is identical to the first stretch described above, only once you drop your right heel, gently bend your right knee, sinking down as though “putting your weight” on your right heel (in quotes because your right heel is in the air).  You may have to maneuver yourself forward and back a few times in order to feel the intended stretch, which will be closer to your Achilles tendon area (i.e. ankle region).  Repeat on the left side.
Any of my clients will concur that this one is a killer!  But it’s amazingly effective in unlocking tight muscles behind the leg.  It looks so innocent, too.  Stand at the base of stairs, preferably where you have a railing to hold onto.  Place your right foot on the step that allows you to straighten your leg completely, without having to round your back or “tuck” your pelvis forward.  For most men, this will be the first or second step.  For women, this is usually the third or fourth step.  Place your right foot all the way forward, so that it’s up against the next step and therefore forced into a flex.  Make sure your left foot is pointing forward, and place both hands on the railings.  Look up at the top of your stairs, and slide your hands UP.  Do not look down or try to go forward or down towards your leg; keep your focus on going UP, and make sure your tailbone is pulling backward (i.e. to keep your back as straight as possible).  You’ll know when you’re there, trust me!  You’ll feel it all the way up and down the back of the leg.  Hold for at least 30-40 seconds, and don’t forget to breathe; try first to relax your shoulders, then work on relaxing your leg.  Repeat on the left.  You may have to do this one twice before you feel your muscles loosen up.

Hope that helps!!!